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Grace Lang profile

Grace Lang, Coaching + 1

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Message from Grace

Hi, I'm Grace! I work as a Life Coach, formally trained as therapist, with my Master of Arts in clinical mental health counseling and 10 years of experience working in the mental health field. My pronouns are she/her and I identify within the LGBTQIA + community. Have you ever thought to yourself, "if I could just be less of something or more of something, it would be easier to get along and be accepted"? I believe that there are no check boxes of what society says you have yet to complete in order to be enough and matter. Yet often we hold those very beliefs of inadequacy and lack about ourselves. I help clients identify and embrace their strengths, develop their self-trust and empower them to navigate through life situations with more grace and courage. Together, we'll shed the idea of living a life that "looks good" and shift into a life that genuinely FEELS good. Letting go and shedding ways of being and believing can feel intimidating or sometimes feel near to impossible. That's why in our work together, I strive to create a space where you can share openly, be curious, and practice leaning into and trying on who you were always meant to be, all with support and guidance and without judgement. I specialize in issues such as anxiety, depression, stress management, self-esteem and self-worth, relational issues, trauma and LGBTQIA+ related challenges. I coach individuals to help them work towards a life they could have never imagined for themselves. I can't wait to meet you! If you'd like to get a better idea of who I am and what working together would look like, you can visit my website at gracelangcoaching.me and fill out the contact form if you'd like to schedule a complimentary consultation call :)

About Grace's practice



Weekdays Before 9am

Weekdays 9am - 5pm

Weekdays After 5pm

Weekends 9am - 5pm




Sliding scale








In-person available: No

Virtual available: Yes



LGBTQIA-Related Stress





Life Transitions

Romantic Life




Out of network providers



CA + 52 more

Why state matters


Get to Know Grace

"Grace is so caring, compassionate, intuitive and a great coach. She made me feel safe, very comfortable and free to share whatever was on my mind knowing that I would not be judged. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Anonymous, Client

"When we met almost 2 years ago, I was in a world of pain, no idea who I was - scared and extremely lost.You have shown me the tools to grow, listened to me, and for once in my life I feel heard. You are the person I confide in and trust with all my faults and improvements. Every day I learn more and more about myself. I follow through with things, I have patients and feelings. For the first time, I believe I can truly say I love me and mean it. I see so much growth within myself, emotionally and mentally which comes from your guidance and passion to see me become the best version of me. After our sessions, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders and I’m able to make sure I remember that positive thinking, gratitude, affirmations and self-care are essential to my growth. You help me though a rough day or a fabulous day. Meeting you at my worst has made me a fabulous better true me! I greatly appreciate you! "

Anonymous, Client

"I wish I could have 3-hour sessions with you! I feel natural in sessions with you, and know as we grow together more, you'll help me find the tools to help myself grow into my authentic self. In these first sessions, even when we've hit some breakthroughs and I'm crying by the end of them, I've found myself in the week after really focusing and remembering what we've talked about and apply them - especially with myself. I can’t wait to continue working with you and bettering myself!"

Anonymous, Client

"After working with Grace for almost a year now while she was in her clinical practice, she has been an instrumental part in helping me strengthen my emotional and mental well-being coming out of Covid. She has helped me navigate and understand my thoughts, actions and recognize behaviors, and also challenge them. I'm deeply grateful for her sound advice, continuing support, and realist perspectives."

Anonymous, Client

How will our relationship be different than relationships I have with friends/loved ones?

I view our coaching relationship as if I'm your "professional best friend." Best friends are the people in your life that you tell all of your secrets to - our accomplishments, the things we feel shame about, and everything in between. As a coach, it's important to me that you feel that similar comfort level that you would with a best friend, but I can challenge, share perspective, help you explore, provide tools from an unbiased, removed and professional stance. Working with me is kind of like the best of both worlds, just with professional boundaries instead!

How much do you share about yourself during our time together and why?

I try to be the coach that I would want to have. In saying that, I would want a coach who is willing to share parts of themselves if it is relevant and helpful for me to know. I will never make your session about me, and I believe that it's important that I humanize myself to my clients. It is unhelpful for me, as a coach, to be on an imaginary pedestal, contributing to the "otherness" and isolation we tend to already feel when more likely than not, I've gone through or done something similar.

What is the best part of the work for you?

Seeing my clients bloom into strong, assured of themselves, trusting of their intuition, embracing their own power, full bloomed flowers. I am always in awe of how my clients grow, heal, and develop throughout our work together.