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The Top New Jersey Therapists and Coaches

Are you looking for a therapist in New Jersey? We can help. Find your provider in the profiles of top therapists below, or fill in our 5-minute match form to find the right therapist for you.

75 providers who match your criteria

"I just had my first session, and I want to express my deep gratitude for the connection. [My match] is someone I will be happy to continue therapy with, and that is no small accomplishment. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful service!"

- New Jersey Therapy-goer

"Wow, thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly! I feel so cared for in a way that is totally foreign to other current "care" providers I've experienced recently."

- New Jersey Therapy-goer

Finding the Right Care

How do I find a therapist in New Jersey?

We make it easy to find a therapist in New Jersey! Answer our quick matching questionnaire and we will recommend a few therapists who are the right fit for your needs. You can then speak with your matches before choosing who to work with. If you would prefer to search yourself, you can review the therapist and coach profiles above or check out our list of low-fee therapy resources in New Jersey.

How much does therapy cost in New Jersey?

The average cost of therapy in New Jersey is $120 per session. Fees rise for specialized care, or in urban areas like Newark and Jersey City, where the average session costs $175. At MyWellbeing, we work with providers with fees from $100-350 per session. You can request a specific fee in our match form. If you cannot afford $100/session, we are here for you. Please reach out to [email protected] or check out our list of low-fee mental health resources.

I'm a mental health practitioner in New Jersey! How do I list my practice on MyWellbeing?

We are so grateful for you! Learn how to join our community of mental health practitioners here. In addition to helping you find people who are the right fit for your practice, we provide community, speaking opportunities, professional development, and other resources to help you grow.