QUIZ: Am I Being Gaslighted?

Ever found yourself second-guessing your reality in a relationship? This gaslighting quiz is here to offer some clarity. By taking this self-assessment, you're not just ticking boxes – you're gaining insights into your experiences and empowering yourself with knowledge. It's a step towards understanding your feelings, recognizing potential red flags, and, most importantly, taking control of your well-being.

Important note: This quiz is not a diagnostic tool. If you believe that you’re being gaslighted and would like additional support, please speak with a mental health professional.

What is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation designed to create doubt in your perception, memory, or reality. This subtle and insidious tactic seeks to make you question your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, ultimately undermining your confidence and sense of self.

The term originates from the 1944 film "Gaslight," where a husband manipulates his wife into questioning her reality. This is not to say gaslighting only occurs in marriage. It can occur in friendships, amongst coworkers, and in romantic relationships.

What are Some Characteristics of Gaslighting?

Gaslighting often begins with small, subtle tactics that aim to erode your confidence in your own thoughts and experiences. From dismissive comments to outright denial of the truth, these manipulative behaviors create a fog of doubt. Understanding the characteristics of gaslighting is the first step in dismantling this toxic dynamic. Trust your instincts, recognize these manipulative tactics, and navigate a healthier, more authentic relationship. Here are some examples below

Denial and Distortion

Gaslighters excel in denying the reality of events or distorting them to suit their narrative. Instead of acknowledging a shared experience, someone who gaslights might deny it ever happened or manipulate details to fit their perspective.

Selective Forgetfulness

Gaslighters may conveniently forget certain events or aspects of a conversation while vividly remembering others. For example, someone gaslighting you forgets a promise they made but insists it never happened when you bring it up, leaving you questioning your memory.

Undermining Reality

Gaslighting tactics trivialize feelings with statements like “You’re overreacting” or questioning sanity remarks like “You’re imagining things,” which can cast doubt on your own perceptions. For example, a coworker dismisses your concerns with, “You’re being too sensitive, it’s not a big deal,” making you doubt the validity of your feelings.

Projection of Blame

Gaslighters are adept at projecting their own faults onto you, by blaming you for issues within the relationship. Those gaslighting avoid accountability and deflect attention from their manipulative behaviors that can lead to you feeling responsible for problems you didn’t create. For example, your sibling blames you for a family argument, claiming you always stir up trouble, deflecting from their own contributions.


Gaslighters often use isolation as a means of control. By alienating you from external support systems, such as friends or family, gaslighting creates a dependency that reinforces their influence. 

Gradual Escalation

Gaslighting behaviors tend to escalate gradually. What may start as seemingly innocent dismissals can evolve into more blatant forms of manipulation over time. Recognizing this progression is crucial for early intervention.

By being aware of these characteristics, you empower yourself to navigate gaslighting with clarity and resilience. Every person deserves to be seen, heard, and supported on their journey.

How do I tell if I’m being gaslighted?

In the intricate dynamics of relationships, recognizing gaslighting may not be a straightforward process. Here are some common signs that may suggest you're experiencing gaslighting: 

  • Constantly questioning your emotions and their validity.
  • Hesitating to share your thoughts, fearing judgment or criticism.
  • Finding yourself saying sorry as a way to diffuse tension even when you're not at fault.
  • Experiencing growing isolation as relationships are undermined by the gaslighter.
  • Persistent self-doubt that extends to decisions, thoughts, and actions.
  • Intense emotional distress, leading to mood swings and heightened anxiety.
  • Adopting the gaslighter's perspective, even if it contradicts your own beliefs and experiences.
  • Avoiding conflict, and being hesitant to express needs or concerns.
  • Constantly feeling emotionally drained after interactions with the person gaslighting.
  • Feeling a sense of hopelessness, doubting the possibility of change in the relationship.

How to Approach Someone Who Is Gaslighting You?

Before initiating a conversation, take time to reflect on your feelings, experiences, and boundaries. Cultivate self-awareness to understand the impact of gaslighting on your well-being. Here are a few compassionate tips on how to approach a conversation with someone who is gaslighting you:

Choose the Right Time and Place

Timing is crucial. Select a calm and private setting to express yourself without interruptions or distractions. Ensure both parties are in a state of mind conducive to open dialogue.

Use "I" Statements

Frame your concerns using "I" statements to express your feelings and experiences without sounding accusatory. For example, say, "I have noticed that sometimes I feel confused about our conversations."

Provide Concrete Examples

Offer specific instances of behavior that have upset you. "When you said XYZ, it made me question my recollection. Can we discuss this?" This helps create clarity and minimizes the opportunity for the gaslighter to dismiss your concerns. 

Stay Calm and Collected

Gaslighters may escalate the situation to deflect blame. Stay calm and collected, maintaining composure. This helps you stay focused on the conversation's purpose.

Express Your Feelings

Share your emotions openly. Communicate how the gaslighting behavior makes you feel, emphasizing the impact on your mental and emotional well-being. This can foster empathy and understanding. 

Be Prepared for Defensiveness

Gaslighters may become defensive or deny their behavior. Be prepared for this possibility and stay focused on expressing your feelings and setting boundaries.

Approaching the conversation with empathy and clarity is essential. Remember, your feelings are valid, and you deserve to be heard and understood.

Post-Conversation Self-Care to Nurture Your Emotions

Engaging in a conversation with someone who has been gaslighting you can be emotionally taxing. Take a moment to acknowledge and validate your feelings. Whether the conversation was productive or presented challenges, recognizing your emotions is the first step in post-conversation decompression. Reflect on the courage it took to address the gaslighting behavior and be proud of yourself.

Setting Boundaries to Navigate Gaslighting

Setting clear and robust boundaries is a crucial aspect of navigating gaslighting dynamics. By incorporating the strategies below, individuals can reclaim their sense of self, create a protective barrier against gaslighting tactics, and foster healthier, more respectful relationships.

Communicate Effectively

Clearly communicate your boundaries to the other person using assertive and direct communication. Express your needs and expectations, being specific about behaviors that are not acceptable. Articulate the consequences if these boundaries are crossed. For example, "It's not acceptable for you to dismiss my feelings. I need you to acknowledge them."

Stay Consistent

Gaslighters may test boundaries, so it's essential to stay firm in your convictions. Consistency reinforces the message that your boundaries are non-negotiable, creating a sense of predictability for both people.

Trust Your Instincts

Setting boundaries involves reconnecting with your inner guidance. Trust your instincts and intuition, and if something feels wrong, honor that feeling. Your intuition is a powerful ally in navigating gaslighting dynamics.

Establish Consequences

Clearly communicate the consequences of crossing boundaries, whether it's reducing contact, taking a break from the relationship, or seeking professional help. Establishing consequences underscores the seriousness of maintaining healthy boundaries.

Seek Support

Enlist the support of friends, family, or a therapist who can provide objective perspectives. Gaslighters thrive on isolation, so building a strong support network helps counteract their attempts to undermine your reality. If gaslighting persists, seeking the assistance of a mental health professional can be invaluable. Therapists provide a neutral space to explore the dynamics of the relationship, validate experiences, and offer guidance on effective boundary-setting.

Take the Next Step Toward Healing

Gaslighting’s emotional manipulation can leave you questioning your reality. In recognizing the signs—whether it's denial, selective forgetting, or the undermining of confidence—it becomes crucial to reclaim your truth. Trust your instincts and acknowledge the validity of your feelings. 

By recognizing and addressing gaslighting dynamics, you take a courageous step toward reclaiming your sense of self and building healthier connections. Embrace the support around you, honor your truth, and nurture connections that contribute positively to your well-being. You deserve relationships that uplift and validate your experiences.

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