Mental Health
What is Individual Therapy?

What is Individual Therapy?

6 min read


Megan Caligiuri

Discover the benefits of individual therapy in a safe and confidential environment. With one-on-one sessions led by experienced therapists, explore your thoughts and emotions to improve your mental and emotional well-being.

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual psychotherapy is a form of therapy in which you meet with a therapist alone for individualized care. This care can be in-person or virtual through the form of telehealth. There are many different approaches to individual therapy, and it is important to find a therapist that practices in a way that resonates with you and the issues you'd like to speak with them about.

Individual therapy is a type of psychotherapy is what most people think of when they picture attending therapy. It can be offered by private therapists, hospitals, mental health clinics, or community centers. Generally speaking, individual therapy is best if you're wanting someone to provide targeted assistance versus attending group therapy that would include multiple other people.

Benefits of Individual Therapy

There are a number of benefits to starting individual therapy and seeing a therapist. Here a few of the key reasons you'd choose individual therapy over other types of therapy.


One of the most important benefits is that your provider will be focused solely on you and what you are experiencing in your sessions. With individualized care, you will have the floor for your sessions versus something like group therapy, where a therapist must engage with many different clients during the session.


In individual therapy, you'll be receiving fully personalized care from your therapist. Your therapist will be listening to you and your experiences and responding appropriately depending on their work and practiced modality.


As with any therapy, your sessions will be fully confidential. Couples and group therapy are also confidential, but in individual therapy, it will just be you and your therapist speaking in a safe space. Anything you share with them won't be shared with anyone else.


Generally speaking a big perk of working with a therapist for individual therapy is being able to build a connection and feel comfortable with your provider. This will make it easier to be vulnerable and open during your therapy sessions and speak openly about your experiences with them.


Once you start individualized therapy, you will be about to make strides in terms of personal growth. Additionally, your therapist will most likely check-in periodically after a period of sessions to chat through and reflect on the growth you've had to date.

Skill Building

Therapists may teach clients coping strategies, problem-solving skills, and effective communication techniques to help them manage their emotions, navigate life challenges, and improve their overall well-being.

Goal Setting

Clients and therapists work together to identify specific goals for therapy. These goals may include improving mental health, resolving specific issues, developing healthier relationships, or achieving personal growth.

Progress Monitoring

Therapists regularly assess the client's progress and adjust the therapeutic approach as needed. This ensures that therapy remains effective and aligned with the client's evolving needs.

How Do I Know if Individual Therapy is Working?

Knowing if individual therapy is working involves assessing your progress and evaluating how therapy is impacting your life. Here are some indicators that can help you determine if therapy is effective.

Symptom Reduction

One of the primary goals of therapy is to reduce or manage the symptoms or issues that led you to seek help in the first place. If you notice a decrease in the intensity or frequency of your symptoms, such as decreased anxiety, improved mood, or better coping with stress, this can be a positive sign.

Improved Coping Skills

Therapy often focuses on teaching practical skills and strategies to help you better manage challenges and stressors. If you find that you're using these skills in your daily life and they're making a positive difference, therapy is likely beneficial.

Increased Self-Awareness

Therapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your emotions, and your behaviors. If you're becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings and how they impact your actions, this suggests progress.

Enhanced Relationships

Therapy can improve your interpersonal skills and communication. If you notice better relationships with family, friends, or colleagues, therapy may be contributing to this improvement.

Better Self-Regulation

Therapy often addresses emotional regulation and impulse control. If you notice improved emotional regulation and the ability to make healthier choices, therapy is having an impact.

Increased Resilience

Therapy can build resilience, helping you bounce back from setbacks and adversity more effectively. If you find yourself more resilient and able to handle challenges, therapy is likely playing a role.

Achieving Goals

If you set specific goals in therapy, track your progress toward those goals. Which type of goal setter are you? Are you making steps toward achieving them? Are you seeing positive changes in the areas you identified as important?

Positive Changes in Lifestyle

Therapy may encourage healthier lifestyle choices, such as better sleep, nutrition, exercise, and self-care. If you're adopting these changes, it can contribute to overall well-being.

Decreased Dependency

If you initially sought therapy for a specific issue, you may notice reduced dependency on substances, unhealthy behaviors, or negative coping mechanisms.

Feeling Heard and Supported

Feeling heard, understood, and supported by your therapist is a crucial aspect of therapy. If you have a strong therapeutic relationship and feel safe and respected, this is a positive sign.

Is Individual Therapy Right for Me?

Determining whether individual therapy is the right fit for you depends on your specific needs and goals. If you have personal concerns, such as managing anxiety, improving self-esteem, or coping with life transitions, individual therapy may be an ideal choice. It offers a confidential and supportive environment for addressing these issues.

Additionally, if you value the opportunity to work one-on-one with a therapist who can provide focused and personalized care, individual therapy aligns with those preferences. It is also suitable for those who prioritize privacy and confidentiality in their therapeutic journey.

However, it's essential to remember that therapy is not one-size-fits-all. For individuals seeking to address relationship issues or family dynamics, couples therapy or family therapy may be more appropriate. Group therapy can be beneficial for those who prefer a shared therapeutic experience.

Individual therapy is a powerful avenue for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. Its benefits encompass personalized care, emotional support, and a strong therapeutic connection. If you're considering therapy as a means to address personal challenges and embark on a journey of self-improvement, individual therapy may be the transformative path you seek.

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About the author

Megan 'Cali' Caligiuri is the Senior Growth Marketing Manager at MyWellBeing. As a seasoned marketing and creative leader with a passion for mental health, Cali is committed to reducing the stigma of therapy, easing the stress of connecting with the right practitioner, and empowering every individual to develop a more loving, healthy relationship with themselves and those around them.

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