6 min read


Lauren Carlson

How Podcasts Can Impact Mental Health?

Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not hard to explain why. Podcasts can provide an interesting and engaging way to learn and be entertained. They can also be a great tool for improving mental health.
How Podcasts Can Impact Mental Health?
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Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not hard to explain why. Podcasts can provide an interesting and engaging way to learn and be entertained. They can also be a great tool for improving mental health. Listening to podcasts can help to reduce stress and anxiety, provide emotional support, and gain new perspectives on life. It can also assist with increasing self-awareness, which is essential for managing mental health.

This growing trend of podcasting has the potential to positively influence the mental health of listeners, by providing a platform for self-expression, education, and inspiration. So, if you're looking for a way to take care of your mental health, podcasts can be a great resource.

What Are Podcasts?

Podcasts are a type of audio programming that you can listen to on your computer, phone, or other smart devices. Some of the most popular streaming platforms to access podcasts include Spotify, Apple, iHeartRadio, Pandora, and TuneIn. They are usually available for free, and many podcasts are produced by independent creators. This means there is a wide range of podcasts available on a variety of topics.

Podcasts have become popular in recent years, as they offer an easy and accessible way to listen to audio content. You can listen to podcasts while you're doing other things, like commuting, cooking, or working out. This makes them a convenient way to fit learning and entertainment into your life.

Podcasts can also be a great way to learn about mental health. There are ample podcasts that offer educational information on topics like anxiety, depression, and self-care. This can help to increase understanding and reduce stigma. In a society that can be quick to judge and stigmatize mental illness, podcasts can provide a space for open and honest discussion. Learning about mental health can also empower people to take care of their mental health, and support others.

Mental Health Benefits of Listening to Podcasts

Podcasts can have a positive impact on mental health for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the benefits of listening to podcasts:

1. Reduce stress and anxiety: Podcasts can be a great way to relax and de-stress. When you're feeling overwhelmed, taking a break to listen to a podcast can help to center and calm you.

2. Provide emotional support: Listening to podcasts can feel like having a conversation with a friend. Many podcasts offer listeners a sense of connection and community. This can be especially helpful if you're feeling isolated or alone.

3. Gain new perspectives: Podcasts can offer a new perspective on life. They can help you to learn about other people's experiences and to see the world in a different way.

4. Increase self-awareness: Podcasts can help you to better understand yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions. This self-awareness is essential for managing mental health.

5. Promote positive mental health: By increasing understanding and reducing stigma, podcasts can help to promote positive mental health. This can empower people to take care of their mental health, and support others.

Podcasts Focusing on Mental Health and Wellness

The Podcast listening space has become well-developed, providing a variety of content for everyone. Here are 10 recommendations to begin exploring podcasts related to mental health and wellness:

1. The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

2. The Psychology of your 20's

3. Self-Care Szn

4. Mental Health Matters

5. Inside Mental Health

6. The Good Life Project

7. The Butterfly Effect: A Mental Health Podcast

8. The Anxiety Guy

9. The Positive Mindset Podcast

10. Meditation Minis

How Your Brain is Impacted by Streaming Podcasts

When you listen to a podcast, your brain is impacted in a few ways. First, the act of listening to someone else speak engages your auditory cortex, the part of the brain responsible for processing sound. This increases activity in the left hemisphere of your brain, which is responsible for language processing.

At the same time, your brain is also decoding the speaker's inflections and facial expressions, which activates the mirror neuron system. This system is responsible for social cognition, or the ability to understand the emotions and intentions of others. This connection between the auditory and mirror neuron systems is what makes podcasts such a powerful tool for learning.

Listening to podcasts can also have a positive impact on your mood and overall well-being. This is likely because of the release of dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter. So, if you're looking for a way to stimulate your brain and/or boost your mood, it may be time to give podcasts a try.

Additional Benefits of Podcasts

In addition to the mental health benefits of listening to podcasts, there are a variety of other reasons this platform has become so popular:

1. Multitask: You can listen to a podcast while you're doing other things, like driving or working out.

2. Learn new things: There are podcasts on just about any topic you can think of. You can learn about history, science, current events, and more.

3. Be entertained: Podcasts can be both educational and entertaining. They can make you laugh, cry, and think.

4. Connect with others: Podcasts can help you to feel connected to others who share your interests. You can also send episodes to friends, family members, and co-workers.

Are There Any Negative Impacts of Listening to Podcasts?

Like anything, there can be some negative aspects of listening to podcasts. Here are some examples:

  1. Isolation: Some people may find that they become more isolated as they spend more time listening to podcasts and less time interacting with others in person.
  2. Triggering: It's important to be mindful of the content you're consuming as there may be some discussions that are triggering for yourself or others.
  3. Impact Sleep: Podcasts can also negatively impact your ability to sleep if you listen to them at night. This is because certain topics can stimulate your brain and make it difficult to fall asleep. For people who may already have trouble sleeping, it may be best to listen to podcasts during the daytime.
  4. Inaccurate Information: It's important to be aware that some of the information in podcasts may be inaccurate. This is especially true for unscripted or "reality" shows. If you're looking for factual information, it's best to stick to podcasts that are produced by credible sources.

While there may be some negative impacts when listening to podcasts, the vast majority of people who engage with this platform enjoy their experience and find that the benefits outweigh the negatives. If you find that you're struggling to cope with the negative impacts of listening to podcasts, it's important to reach out to a mental health professional for help.

In Conclusion

Podcasts have increased in popularity for a variety of reasons. They offer listeners a new perspective on life, the opportunity to learn about other people's experiences, and the ability to see the world in a different way. In addition, podcasts can help you to better understand yourself, your thoughts, and your emotions. This self-awareness is essential for managing mental health.

By increasing understanding and reducing stigma, podcasts can help to promote positive mental health. This can empower people to take care of their mental health, and support others. In addition to the mental health benefits of listening to podcasts, there are a variety of other reasons this platform has become so popular, such as the ability to multitask, learn new things, be entertained, and connect with others.

Podcasts can be a valuable resource for anyone, so if you're looking for a way to improve your mental health, consider listening to a podcast!

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About the author

Lauren is a member of the content team at MyWellbeing. She originally began her career in Client Services within the field of Advertising Technology. Recently, she transitioned career paths to pursue her passion for helping others. In December 2022, Lauren graduated with a Master’s degree in School Counseling and is primarily focused on working with middle school and high school students.

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