The California’s Mental Health Care Division has compiled a list of services and programs to help individuals of all ages locate resources for those seeking non-crisis mental health information.
A search service to find a therapist by name, city zip code, specialist areas of practice and languages spoken. Use the link or call 916-286-7979.
Mental Health California a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing mental health awareness through community engagement, programs, media, and more.
1-800-843-5200 (Text/Talk/Chat). Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis. It has access to more than 5,500 free or low-cost resources for youth and families across CA.
Call (800) 971-0016. This organization focuses on people over 60 and adults with disabilities. It is both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support calls.
NAMI California is a grassroots organization that advocates for lives of quality and respect without discrimination and stigma. NAMI California provides leadership in advocacy, legislation, policy development, education and support throughout the state.
California 211 is a free referral and information helpline that connects people to a wide range of health and human services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To contact 211 in any state, including California, simply dial the numbers 211 from any phone.